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Book your Phillip Island and Bass Coast experience with us
Book your Phillip Island and Bass Coast experience with us
Textile Gala Exhibition
Saturday 18th January - Sunday 19th January
This exhibition displays wearable art and creations made by the talented textile group.
All work on display is for sale.
Live demonstrations include: weaving, felting, sewing, embroidery, spinning, lino cutting, string making, fabric basketry.
ASPIR comprises of Visual Artists, a Textile Arts Group (TAG) and Ibis Writers.
The Society holds annual Visual Art Exhibitions of members work on both Easter and Cup Weekends.
Regular member activities include Life Drawing, Portraits, Textiles, En plein air, Art Appraisal and Come and Create Sessions.
Art Workshops are also held throughout the year, which are open to all, at the premises at the Creative Arts Centre – Cowes.
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